Review – Essay Paper Writing Service

Do you remember the time when you have been procrastinating with your essay writing until the last day and, in the end, find yourself in a really tough situation? What have you done then: immediately started writing yourself or got help from any writing services available online that offer expert help with any type of academic writing? Frankly, I am quite a lazy person. Thus I have chosen the second option. What is more, my essay topic on literature “How did Homer influence history?” was so boring, that I could not even imagine what should I write about. Thus the first thing I did was typing “where to get an expert essay paper help on literature” on Google search, and this is how I encountered the Having already got my essay done, I can now share my own experience of using this writing service and give a fair review on

First Impression about the

Being a newbie, I started examining this website because I was aware of cases of online scamming. Thus, is legit? I can say that its website design is quite good, although I found scrolling down the homepage a bit boring and time-consuming process, thus they should better divide the information into several logical blocks rather than being a plain text with numerous tiny “place your order” buttons throughout the page. But I should mention that scam wasn’t confirmed after careful research I conducted online, that is why I thought of it as a trustworthy service.

How I Got Started and EssayShark writers

The first thing you are to do before placing an order is signing in. The registration form I had to fill in contained such criteria as a type of paper you want, its length and due date, but what if I only want to see what am I offered? The next step also contained numerous lines that had to be filled in, and I felt like I was at the interrogation while everything I wanted was having my 2-page essay done by a professional ASAP. Writing Prices

Firstly, I haven’t found anywhere the exact sum of money I have to pay per page, it is only said that you can choose the writers with the most appealing prices on your own after registration. For me, as a current student, it was strange as my budget was quite limited and I wanted to check the price rate before actually placing an order. But, finally, I found a writer I thought I could have relied on…

Review of Writing Process

The other pitfall I have faced occurred while releasing the payment to the writer: the process of writing was divided into several stages, and I had to release the funds for each stage of essay writing. Although my essay was only 2 page in length, there were several stages for its completion. It is quite uncomfortable, isn’t it? After the first step was completed I immediately pressed “Release” button and made a terrible mistake as the content I received was not that good, and, due essay policy, no revisions are possible once you have released the payment to the writer. I also found a case of plagiarism, but I could only check and fix it by myself using their free plagiarism checker. Also, when I wanted to discuss my issue with customer support manager, I had been waiting for about 20 minutes before they answered me.

The Result

My EssayShark review is subjective. Thus I am speaking about my own experience as a customer and describe the cons and pros you can find while using this custom writing service. Although almost all the feedbacks and EssayShark reviews that I have seen online were quite positive, I cannot say that the overall experience I have got is good. Thus if you also need your homework done by experts, you should always do a thorough web surfing in order to find the company that can offer you the best quality for the prices you can afford and if it is possible always try to choose several companies and compares them before making a final decision. Hope my review will help you. Good luck!

Due to many controversial points, we can’t recommend so that you can use another more qualitative writing service